"making the most of life"
Just two more sleeps until the greatest holiday is the year. I simply love the idea of food, friends, family and fun. I love that there are no presents and it is just about being present. I love the simplicity of joining together to celebrate a day of gratitude. I am going to be spending my day with some of my most favorite people. First off, I will start my day in the hottest way...HOT VINYASA yoga class. I am contemplating a 1 or 2 hour class and am probably going to opt for the 2 hour class. The greatest thing is that both yoga studios that I go to, and probably hundreds more around the nation and world, do classes for donations on those days and then give the money to food banks or charities, etc. It is a great feeling to just be in those classes, however it is even better to know that the place that I participate in is giving back to the community is a powerful way. Then I will probably wander around a bit and find a hot cup of tea somewhere. From there it will be back home to get things put together for dinner at my aunt and uncle's house which is always a lot of fun. My Mom and Dad come from HUGE families and every holiday was filled with tons and people...I am not joking when I say 30-40 was a regular dinner times 2!!! I think this one will be probably about 25 as people have other priorities now that we are grown ups. :) In the evening I will probably head over to another aunt's house for dessert and drinks maybe...then Friday...start the whole thing over again. I will find a yoga class, probably get some decorating done and then head to dinner at my brother's house. The weekend will probably be filled with holiday decorating, probably some shopping, hopefully some left-overs somewhere, a hike or two, maybe a run and some good ol' fashion down time, like curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and listen to Christmas music. ahhhhhhh....the holidays. :) Happy Thanksgiving!!!