Monday, December 14, 2009


I will be out of town for Christmas this year and am looking forward to getting away and having some serious down time. I am heading to Costa Rica with 3 great friends and a set of parents of one of the friends. It is a good mix of people, low drama, active, healthy and of course, all chiropractors...well the parents are not chiropractors however they do live a chiropractic lifestyle. When I get together with these friends, it is really wonderful and refreshing. We all start from the same platform, meaning we all live our lives the same way and do the same things and view the world the same. You know those kind of people in your life I am sure. They are the ones that when you get together, some really great conversations happen, some amazing realizations occur and the the vibration together is high. I have a bunch of these friends, though none of them live very close to me. It's sometimes a bummer however it gives me great reason and destinations to travel to. So I am looking forward to getting on the plane early Friday morning. There is a lot to do between now and then though so I will remain 100% present here until I am gone. Then I will be 100% gone for 10 full, fun days!!!

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