Monday, July 20, 2009


I am runner. Did I ever tell you that? I officially am a runner and the only thing that really makes it "official" is that I really love to run. I have always, as far back as I can remember, wanted to learn to love to run. So in January 2006, I decided I would sign up to run a marathon, Chicago Marathon, on October 22 (which is actually my "half birthday" which made it kind of fun). So I started training. From January to October that year, all I did was eat, sleep, work and run. My weekends were spent running, cross-training and recovering and I had it planned out during the week exactly when and how far I need to run on what day. If I varied from that schedule, my training schedule would be off so I was regimented. It was great and on October 22, I woke up, ate breakfast, bundled up (when the race started it was a mere 35 degrees), and ran 26.2 miles (the picture to the right is me running that race). Finishing that race and actually crossing the finish line was one of the most incredible feelings I have ever had in my life. I would maybe do it again just for the feeling at the finish line. Incredible. But in the meantime I still like to participate in some other races and the CRIM (dubbed Coolest Race In Michigan) happens this year on August 22. I haven't done a whole heck of a lot of running lately, but I can easily pull off 5 miles without any prep. My body just reverts back to all that training in 2006. So over the next 4 weeks I need to get some serious miles in my sneakers. I am looking forward to it. This will be the 5th year running the CRIM, the first year just did the 8K and the last 3 I have completed the 10 miler. It is a great race, a super fun day in Flint and I will be ready. I know there are a lot of runners out there that enjoy that race as well and if you are there....MEET ME ON THE DANCE FLOOR AFTERWARDS!!!!

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