What an important job. Parents, both mothers and fathers, have the biggest job in the world. They teach and educate and raise the children and I do not know a CEO at any company that has a job that is bigger than that no matter how large the corporation is that they run. Thank goodness for parents. My dad lives here in Fenton and I get to see him quite a bit. We have had our challenges through the years but I have grown to have a deep appreciation for him and who he is as he is part of the reason I am who I am today and I wouldn't change it for anything. Ultimately we are all here to teach one another and we learn a lot from our parents. The good, the bad and the ugly...it is all part of life and so important that no matter what relationship you have with your parents, there is always a place for gratitude. Let's count our blessings...thank you dad! Happy Father's Day!